4 Tax Deductions For The Self-Employed

Being your own boss brings some benefits for you. One of the greatest from most people includes having a more flexible schedule. Setting your own hours and working when you can will alleviate a lot of issues in life. However, there are things that may not be as appealing, such as not having company benefits. One way to help offset this is by the numerous tax deductions you can qualify for by being self-employed.

3 Reasons To Perform A Mid-Year Tune Up On Your Taxes

As the middle of the year approaches, few people are thinking about taxes. After all, it's summer and summer is meant for fun and sunshine. But, spending a little bit of time planning can help you to have a much more stress-free spring next year when tax season comes around again. Here are 3 ways to do just that.  Check Your Withholding Looking at your financial picture during the summer gives you time to make any needed adjustments before it's too late.

Securing Your Business By Reaching Out For Assistance - Benefits Of Getting Quickbooks Help

If you own your own business, there are many benefits to keeping your own books and keeping a direct eye on all of your finances. However, without proper training in accounting, you might find yourself in some difficult situations that require assistance. Rather than attempting to get through these on your own, there are some distinct benefits to reaching out for help. Below, you'll find a guide to some of the positives of contacting a certified public accountant for help with operating Quickbooks.

Reporting Not-For-Profit Rental Income From A Household Tenant

Many homeowners receive monetary payments from a tenant who lives in an area such as a garage apartment or a basement. Some tenants pay less than what would be considered fair market value. Homeowners who receive not-for-profit rental income report that rental income differently than someone who rents out real estate in an arm's-length transaction. The key aspect to classifying a rental agreement as not-for-profit is that the arrangement is not driven by market forces.

6 Expenses Restaurant Owners Often Overlook At Tax Time

As a business owner, you're always looking for ways to maximize your profits and minimize your costs at the same time. Your restaurant business keeps track of expenses throughout the year in anticipation of tax time so you can maximize your deductions when you file. Take a look at these 6 expenses that restaurant owners often overlook when tax time rolls around. Meals For Employees If your business offers employees free meals during their work shift, you may be able to deduct this expense at the end of the tax season.